Tuesday, May 8, 2007

ED Tech Philosophy Final Draft

I have slightly modified my original philosophy, but the foundation has remained the same.

Technology must be an integrated access point to the world of knowledge and experience, not just a tool to assist with learning. Technology is capable of transforming the learning process if educators embrace the possibility that a student can learn by using technology as a tool to accomplish the end goal of new learning and understanding. Technology allows the learner to be empowered and direct their own learning, thus increasing motivation and relevance.

I believe that educators that empower their students through technology integration will create the life long learners that will direct the future of the world.

I believe that educational technology is more than just a tool used to supplement education. It is a means to an end with endless application possibilities. Educational Technology encompasses so many aspects of education. It is the vehicle that education is using to transport learners into a global context and into a world that demands certain competencies and skills.

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