Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I have really enjoyed this semester. I have been exposed to new applications and technology that I believe will continue to improve my role in education. I love technology and could spend hours toying with new program and devices. I really have benefited from the experience of creating this blog. I had never kept one before this course but will definitely be creating more. They are an excellent way to communicate and also to just share interesting information. The time we spent looking at virtual environments was very intriguing to me. I can't say that i will walking around second Life all the time, but the concept hit me that this will continue to grow as a major form of education. I don't plan on keeping this blog running with the express purpose of educational technology. It would be too narrow of a focus. I do plan on creating a personal blog with stories and new information. I am also working on creating a professional blog for my administrative role.

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