Tuesday, May 8, 2007

ED Tech Philosophy Final Draft

I have slightly modified my original philosophy, but the foundation has remained the same.

Technology must be an integrated access point to the world of knowledge and experience, not just a tool to assist with learning. Technology is capable of transforming the learning process if educators embrace the possibility that a student can learn by using technology as a tool to accomplish the end goal of new learning and understanding. Technology allows the learner to be empowered and direct their own learning, thus increasing motivation and relevance.

I believe that educators that empower their students through technology integration will create the life long learners that will direct the future of the world.

I believe that educational technology is more than just a tool used to supplement education. It is a means to an end with endless application possibilities. Educational Technology encompasses so many aspects of education. It is the vehicle that education is using to transport learners into a global context and into a world that demands certain competencies and skills.


I have really enjoyed this semester. I have been exposed to new applications and technology that I believe will continue to improve my role in education. I love technology and could spend hours toying with new program and devices. I really have benefited from the experience of creating this blog. I had never kept one before this course but will definitely be creating more. They are an excellent way to communicate and also to just share interesting information. The time we spent looking at virtual environments was very intriguing to me. I can't say that i will walking around second Life all the time, but the concept hit me that this will continue to grow as a major form of education. I don't plan on keeping this blog running with the express purpose of educational technology. It would be too narrow of a focus. I do plan on creating a personal blog with stories and new information. I am also working on creating a professional blog for my administrative role.

Final Thoughts on Romano

This text has been an interesting read. I believe that Romano is helping point educators in the right direction. His statements are bold and pointed. I thnk thta many people would be reluctant to join in this line due to fear of change or just realization of the state of the system and the slow process for change.

Romano discusses technology woven into the curriculum as the prime approach. I agree with this because too many times, technology seems to be the add on or the extra piece we have to pile on at the end. Technology is often viewed by some teachers as a threat, but by making a part of the curriculum, the teacher is not feeling pushed out. By using technology to enhance curriculum, teachers will be empowered rather than intimidated.

I agree with Romano that a solid technology plan and goal need to be in place to ensure effective and efficient use and implementation. I would also note that this plan as well as developing a blended technological curriculum will be a lengthy process. I sadly, don’t see any big changes anytime soon. I really think the that true change to the educational system will take place when ALL of the stakeholders get on the same page, no, the same book about what we are doing in education. It is not about dollar signs, it is not about getting a percentage of students to met a standard. It is about doing what is best for kids and if I have a tool that will help me deliver the best product for my students, I will use it completely, even if it is new or unfamiliar.