Monday, February 19, 2007

Some Safari Pictures

The following pictures were taken during several trips to Pendjari National Park in Benin, West Africa. This is where my wife and I would vacation while we were living in Togo for a year.

This is an antelope, that were very common in the game preserve.

This is a baboon that wanted to share our lunch. He sat in that tree for a long time waiting for us to give him some food.

This picture was taken while a heard of angry elephants were chasing our SUV. There were about 30-40 of them all together. The video is even more exciting!

We were able to witness a very rare fight between two male antelope to win the "rights" to a few nearby females. Very exciting.

Here is another picture from that elephant chase. I never knew elephants could growl.

And here is a family of warthogs. Good old Pumba!

Hope you enjoyed. I thought I would add a little color to this blog and share a little bit of our experience in a West African Game Preserve.


Jose Mena said...
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Jose Mena said...

Mr. Dolinger,

Wow. I never thought I'd get back in touch with you. I'm Jose Mena, from your 8th grade Science class at ACT Academy, and I played bass in your "Burrito Band". You may or may not remember me, but, here recently I've been thinking quite a bit about you. Not in a creepy way, mind you, but in a thankful way. You're actually one of those people who has changed the way I look at life. Wow, right?

First off- your Soma CD is amazing. I was too angsty and musically immature to appreciate it back in middle school, but now that I've mellowed out a bit and gotten to appreciate music a lot more I can say that your CD is one of my favorites.

Speaking of music, remember how I bought a guitar back during the Burrito Band thing? I've been playing it since, and have purchased a bass and have been learning that as well. You sparked an interest in music in me; I'm currently taking an AP Music Theory class and plan on majoring in Music in college (along with Physics, my other discovered love).

So, I hope I haven't creeped you out with my reminiscing. I just really wanted to thank you for the things you've done in my life that perhaps went unacknowledged when you did them.

-Jose Mena

(Note: I found this blog by typing "brian dolinger mckinney" into Google; I wanted a picture of you to put in my senior project- I list influential people in my life. The miracle of the internet, right? Oh, and, if you were to wish to contact me, I could be reached at

Missi Downs said...

Your safari pictures are awesome. One of my students did a powerpoint about Togo. He's going to be excited to see your pictures. I'm going to show them with all my 5th graders. Thanks for sharing!