Monday, April 30, 2007

Online Learning: My Thoughts

We have read about the possibilities of online learning in public school in the Alan November text. I believe that this is an excellent vessel to develop global learners and should be a goal for classrooms all over the world. The real problem lies in the logistical issues of the technological gaps in classrooms. When every classroom has the capabilities, then the true global connections can take place.

The virtual classroom, as experienced in Second Life is very interesting to me. I can see this tool being a component to the classroom, but not a replacement to it. I think that true human interaction in a face-to-face context must be present in some form.

I believe that these two innovations are wonderful additions to the classroom, but can not be the only method of interaction. Likewise, I believe that the current teacher-student or student-student interactions in the classroom should not be the only form of interaction. A true integration between the two must take place. Trying to add on one to the other system will not be effective. A new system needs to be developed to create this integration.

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