Sunday, January 28, 2007

Educational Technology Defined

I believe that educational technology is more than just a tool used to supplement education. It is a means to an end with endless application possibilities. Educational Technology encompasses so many aspects of education. It is the vehicle that education is using to transport learners into a global context and into a world that demands certain competencies and skills.

RAND. (1996). Fostering the use of educational technology: a national strategy.
Washington, DC: Glennman, T. K. & Melmed, A.

Technology Skills to Develop

I am very intersted in anything technological. I do consider myself well versed in most basic techological skills. I would like to develop the following skills further:
  • Blogging (used in educational contexts, like setting a classroom blog with access rights for students, etc.)
  • Web development
  • Digital Imaging Development
  • Programming code
  • More advanced video editing and posting
  • Virtual environments
  • Podcasting
  • VOIP networking

I know that with so many lists from all of the students in the class every one's skills might not be discussed or covered. I am am very excited just to be in a class that is focused on the topic, so whatever we choose to discuss will be motivating to me.

Educational Technology Philosophy

I believe that learning takes place when teachers and students develop a relevance and are able to build and connect the new learning to previous learning. Education is on-going and constant. A teacher's primary objective is to instill the respect for and practice of life-long learning in their students. The teacher can assist their students in accomplishing this by fostering motivation through any specific content.

Technology must be an integrated access point to the world of knowledge and experience, not just a tool to assist with learning. Technology is capable of transforming the learning process if educators embrace the possibility that a student can learn without a teacher or in spite of the teacher, in some cases. Technology allows the learner to be empowered and direct their own learning, thus increasing motivation and relevance.

I believe that educators that empower their students through technology integration will create the life long learners that will direct the future of the world.


Welcome to my blog. This first post is going to introduce myself (which is partially done in the "About Me" section to the right) and help explain what this blog is about.

I am currently in the final semester of my Master's program. I am pursuing a degree in Educational Administration. I am taking this course as an elective because I have been in class with Dr. Wickersham previously and I am very interested in technology and expect to be able to sharpen the skills I have as well as learn some new ones.

5th graders are my current project. I teach science to a bunch of them in McKinney,TX. I love to teach but am becoming more and more disillusioned with the current educational systems that are in place in Texas and the US. My current goal is to help my students to become life-long learners and to truly become scientific thinkers in their worlds. I have accepted a new position that I will be fulfilling this fall. I will be the principal of Kigali International Community School in Kigali, Rwanda. I am very excited about the possibilities that this position entails. I will be operating a school outside the confines of the American Educational system. I believe that the board, staff and I have the common goal to do what is best for the students we work with and are looking forward to doing what works not just we are told is best. I plan on living and working in Kigali for the next five years.